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Training Center Manager


Jitka Sotonová

Training center manager

Activities: Management of the training center

Contact: +420 236 072 375, sotonova@oksystem.cz

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Jitka Sotonová is the training center manager. She provides customers with recommendations on the most suitable IT training, proposals for comprehensive company educational programs, and assistance in selecting certification tests.

Jitka, what’s been your greatest success?

Professionally, I consider my greatest success to have been building a working OKsystem training business and I take continuous joy from each successful education project. In my personal life, it is my children, who are an inexhaustible source of successes and surprises small and large.

When did you last laugh?

Does it count if I answer that I laugh all the time?

When did you last get angry?

I get the most upset about the terms and conditions for certain tenders; I don’t play favorites there :-).

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

Just like most women, I enjoy sweets, so this summer it was definitely ice cream. My favorite flavors are chocolate, quark, and yogurt.

Where did you last go on vacation?

A few days ago, I returned from northeastern Poland and the Baltic Sea. I was surprised by the beautiful landscape full of crystal clear lakes and deciduous forests. As is tradition in our family, we walked and biked dozens of kilometers.


Cisco Instructors


Tomáš Fidler

Tomáš Fidler

Cisco Instructor

Certification: CCNA, CCNP, CCIP, RHCE, CCSI

Training areas: Networking, Cisco Collaboration, Cisco DevNet, Cisco Enterprise, Cisco Security, Python

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Tomáš Fidler is a certified Cisco trainer. He deals with everything concerning networks, in particular routed networks. He also focuses on network topology architecture and design, Cisco equipment administration, and VoIP. You can meet Tomáš at our authorized Cisco trainings focused on computer networks and voice services and during consultations with our customers.

Tomáš, what’s been your greatest success?

One of my professional successes was first place in the Czech Republic and sixth place in EMEA in the iCompetition 2009 for Cisco Certified Network Associate instructors. However, success is not just about standing on top but also the journey there. I therefore consider my greatest professional success to be having an interesting job that I enjoy and is also my hobby...

When did you last laugh?

I like to laugh whenever there’s a chance. So I laugh almost all the time.

When did you last get angry?

I consider giving in to anger to be a weakness and something of a temporary failure, so I instead try counting to ten :).

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

I got high-quality headphones for Christmas. But what did I buy for myself? Just for pleasure? Nothing big for a long time… I get pleasure even without buying things :)

Where did you last go on vacation?

I last went to the Jizera Mountains for skiing, snow, and the like. I’ve had many experiences and impressions, but I might summarize them in the statement that the more you work, the more you can enjoy and appreciate a pleasant vacation.


David Kovařovic

David Kovařovic

Cisco and Linux Instructor

Certification: CCNA, CCNP, CCSI

Training areas: Microsoft Security, Networking, Cisco Enterprise, Cisco Security, SUSE Linux, Red Hat, IT Security

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David Kovařovic is a certified Cisco trainer dealing with everything concerning networks, in particular routing in extensive networks. You can meet him at authorized Cisco trainings in switching, routing, and security.

David, what’s been your greatest success?

Among my larger successes, I’d mention the ceiling in our entryway and the garage’s gable roof. Otherwise, both at work and at home it’s more a series of small daily successes. I consider it to be a success when I don’t lose my cool and manage to carry on even when something goes wrong.

When did you last laugh?

I definitely laugh about something every day, but I like laughing the most when my family comes together around the table and everyone’s in a good mood. That happened at lunch this past Sunday when even our older children and parents came to our home. It’s not even possible to explain what we laugh about. Sometimes it’s just a funny comment or a reminder of a family story, absolutely incomprehensible to someone who wasn’t there.

When did you last get angry?

I almost always get angry because of my own error or failure, but unfortunately it’s usually those closest to me who unjustly bear the brunt of it. I get a bit ashamed afterwards and so I don’t feel like remembering.

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

I don’t really like buying things for myself. I realized long ago that I mostly take pleasure from things I don’t end up buying. They can’t break or disappoint me and it’s such a pleasure when I’m convinced that they’re not really necessary.

On the other hand, I really enjoy accompanying my wife to her favorite fashion stores, encouraging her in her shopping, and enjoying how the clothes suit her. So in that way, I last bought myself a handbag :-)

Where did you last go on vacation?

Last summer I worked with my wife as a children’s camp counselor. We’ve been doing it for several years and even though it’s a truly exhausting vacation, it’s excellent for relaxation. I never have to worry about work there.


Microsoft Instructors


Eliška Kymličková

Eliška Červenková

Microsoft Instructor

Certification: MCT, MCA

Training areas: Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office, Azure and Microsoft 365

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Eliška Červenková is a trainer for all versions of Microsoft Office user courses, from the basics to the most advanced courses. She also conducts courses on Access, SharePoint for users, and web design. In addition to trainings at OKsystem and customers’ classrooms, you can meet her during consultations and while creating individual solutions in Office.

Eliška, what’s been your greatest success?

Every day, when I fall asleep with a feeling of satisfaction and a smile on my lips.

When did you last laugh?

Laughter heals and I use every drop of this real medicine I can find :-). Without laughter, I would soon go crazy… Fortunately, there’s plenty of this medicine at OKsystem.

When did you last get angry?

When after an hour of waiting for a bus in the rain and cold I learned that the driver would not take me and three other people because we would have to stand… Should I have walked 100 km?

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

For pleasure? There’s always something. Should I go shopping right now? But if we’re talking about entertainment, a newspaper is all I need.

Where did you last go on vacation?

Traveling down the Vltava in South Bohemia. But you don’t have to go on vacation to get the most out of life.


Alexandr Vasilenko

Microsoft instructor

Certifications: MCT, MCA

Training areas: Business Intelligence, Power Platform, Azure

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Alexandr Vasilenko is a certified instructor for Microsoft Office applications, Microsoft Power Platform courses, and Microsoft Azure. His main focus is on data analysis and process automation.

Sašo, what is your greatest accomplishment?

Definitely my family - my greatest accomplishment.

When was the last time you laughed?

I actually enjoy laughing anytime, which might seem strange to some. Especially when I'm able to find something funny even in otherwise unpleasant things. So the answer to the question is today.

When was the last time you got angry?

I usually suffer from it when something doesn't go well for me or when I encounter something incomprehensible. Incomprehensible doesn't mean something difficult, but it's stupidity that someone unnecessarily insists on. And it's not uncommon, so let's say a week ago.

What was the last thing you bought for joy?

A model kit of a P-51D Mustang 1:48 scale.

Where was your last vacation?

Three years ago in Menton, France. Otherwise, it's work relaxation in the garden and stays in the Czech Republic.



Michal Konvalinka

Microsoft Instructor

Certification: MCT, MOMS, MOS

Training areas: Microsoft Project, Microsoft Office

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Michal Konvalinka is a certified trainer for all versions of Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project user courses, from the basics to the most advanced courses.

Michal, what’s been your greatest success?

I am an instructor, teacher, athlete and nature lover. A success for me is every week, when I manage my work, find time for sports, fun, friends and nature. I am happy to learn to juggle with 4 balls.

When did you last laugh?

The last time I laughed was when we were going down the river with a bunch. I started laughing on Friday and stopped on Sunday.

When did you last get angry?

I can usually dial myself if I can't find something or if I forget something at home and I have to go back for it. Fortunately, it does not happen often and I calm down quickly.

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

I bought neoprene socks. I am also pleased by good and quality food.

Where did you last go on vacation?

I try to regularly go to the mountains on weekends, go down the river, walk in the woods, etc. Last time I was skiing in the Italian Alps. In the summer I am going to ride down Salza and visit Corsica.


Linux Instructors


Martin Chromý

Martin Chromý

Linux Instructor

Certification: CLA, CLP, CLE, CNIMA, LPIC-1, LPIC-2, LPIC-3, CNI, RHCSA

Training areas: SUSE Linux, Red Hat, IT Security

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Martin Chromý is a certified SUSE and Linux trainer. You can meet him at courses related to Linux and OSS, including SUSE, LPI, and other courses.

Martin, what’s been your greatest success?

I honestly can’t say. I don’t have a hierarchy of my successes so I can compare them. I am satisfied that their number is growing (so far).

When did you last laugh?

Anything can make me laugh. For example, recently this animated gif.

When did you last get angry?

Unfortunately, I get angry more often than I’d like, but right now I don’t remember anything significant.

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

I don’t actually buy things for pleasure (the “want” category), but because I “need” them, and I need many gadgets for various tests and experiments in photography, IT, cooking, and various other areas.

Where did you last go on vacation?

To Bulgaria at the end of last summer. A friend of mine was working there as a delegate for a travel agency so she acted as our guide. And I just reconfirmed that I simply can’t stand lying on a beach for two weeks.


Training organizers


 Barbora Pauli

Barbora Záhlavová

Sales Representative

Activities: Detailed information on trainings and consulting services, orders

Contact: +420 734 525 195, zahlavova@oksystem.cz

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Barbora Pauli finds new customers for the OKsystem training center and provides care to the existing ones. She will gladly prepare an offer for training or consulting according to your individual needs and will help you select the appropriate training and tests to acquire the certification you need.




Lumír Vojtěchovský

Sales Representative

Činnosti: Detailed information on trainings and consulting services, orders

Kontakt: +420 724 332 135, vojtechovsky@oksystem.cz

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Lumír Vojtěchovský finds new customers for the OKsystem training center and provides care to the existing ones. She will gladly prepare an offer for training or consulting according to your individual needs and will help you select the appropriate training and tests to acquire the certification you need.

Lumíre, what do you consider your greatest achievement?

When I manage to put together a group of people who understand each other, enjoy each other's company, and enrich each other mutually. I have managed to do this in the past at work and also a few times in my personal life.

When did you last laugh?

I laugh often and with joy. For example, at my sports achievements, the quips of children, and sometimes adults.

When did you last get angry?

I don't know exactly. Most often I get angry when something works nonsensically, complicatedly, or not at all. Or when I'm looking for something and don't know where I left it.

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

I am most pleased when I manage to buy something/a service that makes someone close to me happy. I am rather pleased when I create something at home or in the garden.

Where did you last go on vacation?

In very late summer in Cyprus, more precisely in the Republic of Cyprus, where you can swim in the warm sea even in September and October. I was enchanted by the rugged coastline and the very sympathetic locals, who are friendly and welcoming and you don't feel like they just want to make money off you.


Simona Dianová


Činnosti: Detailed information on trainings, orders

Kontakt: +420 236 072 251, dianova@oksystem.cz

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Simona Dianová ensures smooth running in our Training center. She looks after administration, orders and invoicing.

Simona, what’s been your greatest success?

In my work-life sphere it is definitely my decision to change the employer. I liked my last work but I decided to move up in my career. Now I am glad for that. In my private-life sphere it is my family, my husband and two children. I can always rely on them.

When did you last laugh?

I laugh every day. :)

When did you last get angry?

I don't know, I don't like to be angry with somebody or something.

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

It wasn't for me but it was definitely for a pleasure. My dad will have his birthday and we bought for him a ticket for European Championship 2016 in France. He will go there with my husband and son. Neither my dad neither my son knows that, so I am looking forward when they will hear about it.

Where did you last go on vacation?

In January we were skiing in glacier in Italy. It was fine.


Certificatiion tests


Photo of Dana Černá

Dana Černá


Activities: Organization of certification tests

Contact: +420 236 072 318, cernad@oksystem.cz

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Dana Černá works in OKsystem as a TCA (Test Center Administrator). If you come to take a test with us, he will go through all the initial formalities with you, take you to the testing room, and then monitor if everything is going according to the set rules.

Dana, what do you consider to be your greatest success ?

When I go to sleep at night with feeling that today was a great day. We managed everything that needed to be done, and nothing went wrong..

When did you last laugh?

I seem to laugh all the time.

When did you last get angry?

Probably the day before yesterday. I was rushing to catch a bus to work and my shoelace tore….

What was the last thing you bought yourself for pleasure?

A gift for my husband. I had been promising it to him for a long time and finally managed to coordinate everything time-wise. The joy was great on both sides.

Where did you last go on vacation?

In Greece with my entire extended family. To relax by the sea for a bit, explore the monuments and absorb the atmosphere, spend some time in nature... and all the while watching how my little child sees everything for the first time and is thrilled about everything.